- The Philosophy Department highly encourages students to participate in undergraduate research opportunities such as independent studies and the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience, which fosters close working relationships between students and faculty. As a result, many philosophy students have gone on to present their work at undergraduate research conferences.
- The Department’s six tenure-line faculty members take scholarship seriously and are active in publishing, presenting papers at conferences, and editing/authoring books. The faculty recognizes the importance of engaging with the profession, and they do so with the expectation that it will inform and improve their teaching.
- The diversity within the Philosophy Department is unique, with offerings in historical and contemporary philosophy; western and non-western philosophy; and analytical and continental philosophy. The department faculty participate in several interdisciplinary programs, such as Asian studies, linguistics, religious studies, ancient world studies, and medieval and early modern studies.
- Students graduate from the philosophy program with a strong and broad set of intellectual skills, including reading, writing, analysis, and argumentation, that are useful in any career path. Studying philosophy fosters creative imagination, enables students to look at problems from multiple perspectives, and encourages them to take a big-picture view.
- Graduates of the philosophy program have gone on to attend graduate school in disciplines such as law, public policy, counseling, and agricultural management. Alumni work in a variety of professional venues, including government, courts, digital media, energy, non-governmental organizations, and more.