Points of Pride

Points of Pride
Facilities Design & Construction
  • Facilities Design & Construction has led various renovation and construction projects that have helped to beautify the campus. Notable examples are the addition of a $22 million, 57,000-square-foot Athletic and Wellness Center to its existing gymnasium, and a complete renovation of van den Berg Hall, the Federal-Georgian styled home to New Paltz’s undergraduate and graduate business programs.
  • The Student Union Atrium, architecturally the most highly awarded facility in the College’s history, was completed in 2010. The unique glass structure provides a campus “living room” for students with additional meeting room space, a Scholar’s Perch for quiet study, a food court with multi-cultural eating options, and a game room. It has become a magnet for faculty, staff, and visitors to the campus and serves as a welcoming gateway for future students and their parents.
  • Old Main, the campus’ oldest and most stately structure, underwent a $32 million renovation in 2012. The building achieved Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification in 2014 thanks in part to the project’s astounding record of recycling 95 percent of material removed from the original structure during the renovation. In addition, the College received a Partner in Preservation award from the Village of New Paltz Historic Preservation Commission for the “historically sensitive renovation.”
  • The campus residence halls are undergoing significant renovations to meet the expectations and demands of 21st century students. To date, Crispell Hall is the greenest renovation completed at New Paltz, and was recognized as such with LEED Gold status by the U.S. Green Building Council.
  • In 2012, the College began a $36 million thorough renovation of the Wooster Building, which is being converted into a multifaceted academic, administrative, and dining facility. Its central location on campus will enable students to enjoy meals near classrooms while also consolidating service offices, so that students have access to a “one-stop shopping” location for these often interrelated administrative necessities of higher education.