
Senior Thesis

Before graduating, each Honors students must complete a senior thesis project. The specific type of project can vary depending on your own focus. Students in the natural sciences tend to do laboratory experiments, while students in the humanities tend to write papers. Art students usually put up an exhibition of their work in the Honors Center.

The thesis, project, or capstone experience will span both terms in the senior year.  The first term will focus on planning under the direction of a primary and secondary thesis advisor in the major (or an appropriate thesis advisor chosen by the student and approved by the Director of the Honors Program for an interdisciplinary project).   The second term will be devoted to execution of the proposed project (ideally under the same advisors).  Each student needs to be enrolled in an Honors Thesis Independent Study. In consultation with the thesis advisors, the student will develop a schedule of work to be completed over two semesters. The project process will be supervised by the thesis advisors. The student and thesis advisors will meet on an ongoing basis to collaborate on the project.