Honors designated major courses are meant to engage Honors students with the course material on a deeper level. Honors students in these courses do additional work to receive Honors Program credit.
Course Name | Course Number | Term Given |
Art History: Theories and Approaches | ARH456 | Fall |
Intermediate Sign Language 1 | CMD203 | Both |
Evolutionary Studies | EVO301 | Spring |
Evolution and Human Health | EVO201 | Summer & Winter |
General Biology 1 Lab | BIO211 | Fall |
General Biology 2 Lab | BIO212 | Spring |
General Chemistry 2 Lab | CHE212 | Spring |
Introduction to Curriculum and Assessment | SED453 | Both |
Introductory Psychology | PSY101 | Spring |
Ottaway Seminar | DMJ470 | Fall |
Shakespeare I: Selected Works | ENG406 | Fall |
Shakespeare II: Selected Works | ENG407 | Spring |
Strategic Management | BUS450 | Both |
Spring 2025
BUS450, Sec. 1 Strategic Management
Instructor: Jun Lin (School of Business)
Formulation and implementation of business strategies for competitive advantage. Case analysis is used to develop analytical, communication, and team-work skills. This capstone course fulfills the writing intensive course requirement for all business majors.
CHE212, Sec. 3 General Chemistry 2 Lab
Instructor: Gissel Mentore (Chemistry)
Laboratory work complements the lecture material covered in CHE202.
CMD203, Sec. 1 Intermediate American Sign Language 1
Instructor: Tara Beers (Communication Disorders)
Intermediate/Advanced instruction in American Sign Language and Deaf Culture.
ENG407, Sec. 1 Shakespeare II: Selected Works
Instructor: Cyrus Mulready (English)
Narrative poems and selected major plays, such as Richard II, I Henry IV, As You Like It, Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida, Macbeth, and King Lear. May be taken before ENG406 or concurrently.
EVO301, Sec. 1 Evolutionary Studies Seminar
Instructor: Glenn Geher (Psychology)
An interdisciplinary seminar featuring bi-weekly presentations by experts on evolution. Speakers will represent areas of scholarship that have been addressed in terms of evolutionary themes such as anthropology, biology, English, and psychology.
SED453, Sec. 2 Curriculum and Assessment in the Secondary School
Instructor: Karen Nichols (Adolescence Education & TESOL)
Students will read, discuss, debate and write about curriculum and assessment philosophy and practice. Students will experience first hand a variety of authentic learning assessments and observe and interview teachers in secondary schools.
Fall 2024
ARH456, Sec. 1 Art History: Theories and Approaches
Instructor: Reva Wolf (Art History)
What is art history? This question is explored through reading selected passages from the history of art history and from recent theoretical writings that question traditional approaches to the discipline. We look at diverse approaches that have been used to interpret art, including biography, style, periodization, iconography and iconology, psychoanalysis, patronage, feminism, Marxism, reception theory, social history, and semiotics.
BUS450, Sec. 1 Strategic Management
Instructor: Jun Lin (School of Business)
Formulation and implementation of business strategies for competitive advantage. Case analysis is used to develop analytical, communication, and team-work skills. This capstone course fulfills the writing intensive course requirement for all business majors.
CMD203, Sec. 1 Intermediate American Sign Language 1
Instructor: Tara Beers (Communication Disorders)
Intermediate/Advanced instruction in American Sign Language and Deaf Culture.
ENG406, Sec. 1 Shakespeare I: Selected Works
Instructor: Thomas Festa (English)
Selected major plays and non-dramatic poetry, such as Richard III, Twelfth Night, Julius Caesar, Othello, Hamlet, All's Well that Ends Well, The Tempest, and the sonnets.
SED453, Sec. 2 Curriculum and Assessment in the Secondary School
Instructors: Janet Bisti (Teaching and Learning) & Conchetta Carbone (Adolescence Education and TESOL)
Students will read, discuss, debate and write about curriculum and assessment philosophy and practice. Students will experience first hand a variety of authentic learning assessments and observe and interview teachers in secondary schools.
DMJ470, Sec.1 Ottaway Seminar
Instructor: Andre Lambertson
Nationally known visiting journalists use their expertise and experience to teach students about the problems and issues that face reporters and the press. Professors have included foreign correspondents, literary journalists, and high-ranking editors.