

The Power of Art Museums

The power of art museums 
Students, staff and alumni work to change the perception of the art world

Spies are Forever

“Spies are Forever” opens Feb. 14 at SUNY New Paltz
The Department of Theatre Arts will present a staged reading of “Spies Are Forever,” a musical about a secret agent working to thwart a Cold War-era revival of the Nazi regime, as the third installment of the 2024-25 Mainstage Production series.

‘The genre for me’: Alumna's passion for traditional Irish folk music led her to Ireland following graduation

‘The genre for me’: Alumna's passion for traditional Irish folk music led her to Ireland following graduation
When Saskia Kamerling ’23 (Music—Classical Performance) picks up her fiddle and plays a traditional Irish folk tune, she is in her element.

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Summer Honors Program Team Leader Application


The Summer Honors Program Team Leaders serve an important role during the weeklong residential program. The program will run from Sunday, July 20 to Friday, July 25.

The Summer Honors Program is for high academic achieving, rising high school seniors from under-represented student populations. Students will experience college first-hand during this week-long residential summer program. They will take courses in media, sustainability, liberal arts, and theatre. Workshops will include college prep, financial literacy, and academic planning. They will also visit local attractions such as Minnewaska State Park Preserve, Hudson Valley Manufacturing Center, and the Cornell Creative Arts Center.

As a current New Paltz student you will help to guide the high school students participating in the program. Helping them to adjust to being on-campus, navigating the campus, facilitating activities to help them to bond with other students, answering questions about college life and making them feel comfortable during the program.

Please visit https://www.newpaltz.edu/summer-honors/ to learn more about the Summer Honors Program.


• Be a current full-time, matriculated New Paltz student.
• A cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 2.75 at the time you apply, and a 2.75 Cumulative GPA at the end of the Spring 2024 semester.
• Not planning to take a summer course during the program.
• Have completed one full semester at New Paltz.
• Have a desire to learn how to work with groups of people.


• Attend all training sessions.
• Act as a representative of the SUNY New Paltz, promoting a positive image of yourself, the program and the University.
• Work as a member of team of students, staff and faculty.
• Fully prepare for the arrival of students by setting up the residence hall building.
• Lead small group sessions and acquaint visitors with campus services.
• Serve as a residential peer counselor on a live-in basis for the overnight program.
• Act as a disciplinary official when necessary to assure compliance with university, local, state and national regulations.
• Live in and attend all work-related days and evenings.
• Follow all designated policies regarding guests and legal social behavior.
• All necessary duties as assigned by Staff.

Salary and Benefits

$650 stipend (approximately 1week)
• Single room and meals provided throughout training and summer honors program session (a $1,200 value).
• Staff shirts and materials are provided.
• Gain great leadership experience, learn a lot about the campus, its services and network with professional staff and faculty.
• Spend the summer in New Paltz!

SHP Team Leader Selection Timeline:

Friday, April 4
Application due.

Monday, April 14 through Friday, April 25
Interviews for invited candidates.

Wednesday, April 30 by 5pm
Candidates will be notified of hiring decisions by New Paltz e-mail by 5pm; candidates who are offered positions will receive instructions for acceptance.


SHP Employment Application 2025

Please use this form to submit your COMPLETE Summer Honors Program Team Leader Employment Application.

You must also provide the name, title, and email address of one New Paltz faculty/staff who will be emailed a recommendation form to complete.
Fill out my online form.