
FAQs for Honors Program Application

 Is there a specific deadline for when applications should be submitted?

  • There is no set deadline to submit applications for admission to the Honors Program.  The Honors Admissions Committee meets regularly to review applications

Can my application be saved?

  • No, at this time the program that we use does not allow documents to be saved. You will want to make sure you have all your necessary documentation before you start filling out your application

What is the Banner number?

  • A Banner Number is your Student ID number at New Paltz. The banner number begins with the letter N and is followed by eight digits. If you do not have your banner number that is fine. You can skip over that field as it is not required

 How long should my cover letter be?

There is no specific length required but you will want to make sure you are covering the following in your letter:

  • Why do you want to join the program?
  • What would you bring to the program?
  • What are your goals, both as a student and beyond?
  • Please share examples to illustrate your commitment to values such as creativity, intellectual curiosity, commitment to thinking deeply and broadly about a range of ideas, communication skills, interdisciplinary orientation, or other characteristics that would allow you to not only benefit from, but contribute to, the Honors Program at New Paltz.

Do you require an official transcript?

  • No, we do not require an official transcript. An unofficial one is fine.

How do I retrieve my transcript and recommendation letters during the summer?

  • We will pull from our system your transcript and recommendation letters from when you applied to New Paltz. This will be done during the summer only.

When is the latest you will accept high school material for Freshman applications?

  • The cut off for 1st semester freshman to submit their application using high school material is mid-September. After this date students will need to wait until they have completed a semester and then apply using our current student application.

How are recommendation letters submitted?

Who should recommendation letters be addressed to?

  • Recommendation letters should be addressed to Dr. Sullivan and The Honors Program Admissions Committee

Do you require recommendation letters specifically address admission to the Honors Program?

  • Yes, that is our preference

Do recommendation letters need to be typed on school letterhead and signed?

  • Yes, we require that recommendation letters are typed on school letterhead and signed