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A student who has taken course work at an accredited college, other than SUNY New Paltz, after high school graduation is considered a transfer student.
A 2.75 minimum grade point average (GPA).
If more than one college has been attended, it is a 2.75 combined GPA from all previous colleges.
If the applicant has less than 45 completed credits, their high school academic record will be considered as well.
If the applicant has less than 45 completed credits, they may either apply to a major or apply as "Undeclared."
If the applicant has 45 or more completed credits, they must apply directly to a major - "Undeclared" is not a choice.
Application fee is $50 and is non-refundable and non-transferable. The SUNY Application fee is waived for SUNY or CUNY associate degree holders. The Common Application fee is not waived for SUNY or CUNY associate degree holders.
Submit official transcripts from all colleges previously attended to the Office of Undergraduate Admission.*
Submit official, final high school transcript or GED/TASC (as required by the NYS Education Department) to the Office of Undergraduate Admission.*
If taken in high school, submit official AP, IB, CLEP score reports to the Office of Undergraduate Admission.*
*If unable to submit materials electronically, official copies may be sent to:
State University of New York at New Paltz
Office of Undergraduate Admission
100 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561
Art – A minimum GPA of 2.75, submission of an art statement of purpose, and a successful portfolio review**
Please Note: The Graphic Design BFA is a Fall-only entrance program and requires a minimum GPA of 3.0, submission of an art statement of purpose and a successful portfolio review**
Visual Arts Education – A minimum of a 3.0, submission of an art statement of purpose, and a successful portfolio review**
Music – A minimum GPA of 2.75 and a successful music audition/interview**
Theatre Arts – A minimum GPA of 2.75 and a successful theatre audition/interview**
Contact the specific department for portfolio submission, audition, or interview information**
Adolescence Education – A minimum GPA of 3.0 and 3-4 credits in Writing and Rhetoric (1 composition course) with a grade of “B” or better.
Adolescence Education - Biology – the above Adolescence Education requirements and a grade of C- or better in General Biology I & II, General Chemistry I & II, and Pre-Calculus.
Adolescence Education - Mathematics - the above Adolescence Education requirements, and a grade of B- or better in either Calculus I or Calculus II.
Biochemistry - A minimum GPA of 2.75 and a grade of C- or better in Chemistry I & II and College Algebra (minimum mathematics requirement).
Biology - A minimum GPA of 2.75 and a grade of C- or better in General Biology I & II, General Chemistry I & II, and Pre-Calculus.
Business (all programs) - A minimum GPA of 2.75; applicants must have completed English Composition I and II, Microeconomics or Macroeconomics with a C- or better and completion of a SUNY General Education mathematics course.
Please note: Although not required for admission, it is highly recommended that an applicant completes Pre-Calculus or the New Paltz equivalent to be eligible for access to junior-level Business courses and the timely completion of a degree.
Chemistry - A minimum GPA of 2.75 and a grade of C- or better Chemistry I & II and College Algebra (minimum mathematics requirement).
Communication Disorders – A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
Early Childhood/Childhood Education - A minimum GPA of 3.0 and 3-4 credits in Writing and Rhetoric (1 composition course) with a grade of “B” or better.
Early Childhood/Childhood Education – Mathematics Concentration - A minimum GPA of 3.0, 3-4 credits in Writing and Rhetoric (1 composition course) with a grade of “B” or better and, to declare the mathematics concentration, a grade of C- or better in Calculus I.
General Studies (interdisciplinary degree completion program, available fully online) - A minimum GPA of 2.5 and at least 60 college credits.
Mathematics – A minimum GPA of 2.75 and grade of "B-" or better in either Calculus I or Calculus II.
Psychology – A minimum GPA of 2.75, a “C” or better in General Psychology and completion of a SUNY General Education mathematics course with a "C" or better.
Most majors within the School of Science & Engineering require the completion of College Algebra. The two exceptions are:
Biology requires completion of Pre-Calculus with a grade of C- or better
Mathematics requires completion of either Calculus I or Calculus II with a grade of B- or better.
Fall enrollment - May 1 (including Art/Graphic Design/Visual Arts Education portfolio)
Spring enrollment - December 1 (including Art/Visual Arts Education portfolio)
***SUNY New Paltz reserves the right to change application due dates without notice.
Accepted students must pay their Advance Room Deposits (ARD) through the admission status portal.
On-campus housing is available to accepted transfer students on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please contact the Department of Residence Life 845-257-4444 for on-campus housing information for transfer students.
Veterans or military service members and/or their spouses and children should contact the Office of Veteran & Military Services at 845-257-3074 or for further information.
As home schooling, in most instances, is a more holistic educational experience than traditional high school programs, we require a more comprehensive application submission, following the format for home schooling as outlined in the NYS Commissioner of Education's Regulations-Section 100.10.
New York State residents who enroll in online correspondence high school programs of study are not considered HOME SCHOOLED as per the New York State Department of Education. Please refer to the regarding online correspondence high school programs of study.
In addition to the general undergraduate admission requirements in effect at the time of application, New Paltz asks that home schooled applicants provide the following:
A copy of the approved Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP) for each year of high school home schooling;
List of syllabi, curriculum materials, textbooks, plan of instruction;
List of courses taken (these must comply with the minimum course requirements listed in Section 100.10 of the Commissioner’s Regulations);
Copies of quarterly reports to the local school district (as per Section 100.10);
The annual assessment in accordance with Section 100.10;
If Regents examinations are taken at the conclusion of appropriate courses, the results of these examinations must be included.
Please note that the application for admission will not be reviewed until all required documentation is received.
Home-schooled students must provide documentation of successful completion of the high school home school program as required by the New York State Department of Education.
This can be done by submitting both of the following:
The official letter of completion of all high school requirements signed by the home district superintendent (or designee).
The official score report of the TASC (GED).
A national matriculation examination from a foreign country will not be recognized as evidence of graduation.
Office of Undergraduate Admission 100 Hawk Drive New Paltz, New York 12561 Phone: (845) 257-3200 Fax: (845) 257-3209 Email:
SUNY New Paltz admission uses email as its official method of communication. In order to assure that you receive all communications related to your application please make sure your email address that you provided on your application is correct. Please add SUNY New Paltz to your address book to avoid emails from being sent to spam folders.