Students may utilize the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading Option for select courses during their undergraduate study; a number of important restrictions apply
Under the student-elected S/U option, the student's grade for a course will be recorded on the transcript as S* (student-elected Satisfactory) or U* (student-elected Unsatisfactory). Neither grade will affect the student's GPA.
The course instructor is not informed that a course is being taken S*/U* and will submit the letter grade earned by the student. Letter grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C- will convert to S* (Satisfactory) while grades of D+, D, D- and F will convert to U* (Unsatisfactory). S* grades count toward graduation; U* grades do not.
The S/U option does not apply for W (withdrawal) grades.
Please click here for the link to the policy and restrictions.
Go to > Registration > S/U Grading Option
Can the S/U be changed back to the regular letter grade?
The student can elect change to the letter grade a student-opted S* or U* which will then be counted in the cumulative average and appear on the College record. Such a request will be honored for a period of one calendar year after the semester in which a student has earned a student-opted S* or U* mark or until the student graduates, whichever period is shorter.
The student can view the grade before deciding to change to the letter grade.
Go to > Registration > S/U Grading Option