Using My Schedule Planner
Do it all in My Schedule Planner: Plan, Register, Add and Drop Classes
My Schedule Planner is the program used to plan your schedule, register for courses and change your schedule, during registration.
- Students can see all possible schedules for their desired course list
- Students can bypass creating all possible schedules and create a schedule by CRN (Course Registration Number)
- Students can add courses by CRN to an existing schedule
Go to > Registration > My Schedule Planner
To see all possible schedules
- Select Course
- Generate Schedule
- View Schedule
- Send to Cart
- Register
To create schedule by CRN
- Look up CRN in Schedule of Classes
- Enter CRN (separate each with a "," comma)
- Register
To change schedule after registration
- Open Current Schedule tab
- To Drop a class: Select Edit or Drop, select option from drop down menu
- To Add a class: Select Register by CRN or follow directions "To see all possible schedules"