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Productions: A Message from the Chair

Welcome to the 2024-25 mainstage season at SUNY New Paltz! It is my honor to extend this greeting as I begin my third year as Interim Chair for the Department of Theatre Arts. It has been, and continues to be, a truly energizing experience to work with such a talented and passionate group of artists. We all – faculty, staff, and students – are anxious to get back and kick off the new year in the theatre!

To kick our season off in style, Tony Award winner LaChanze is our guest speaker for the Fall 24 Theatre Arts Welcome Event. LaChanze’s career includes the lead role in Alice Childress’s Trouble in Mind, one of our upcoming mainstage productions. Debuted on Broadway in 2021, the 1955 play blends well with our additional season titles as each tackles the complexities of human relationships during times of change. LaChanze’s creative achievements are as singer, dancer, actor on stage and screen, producer, and director, and we are thrilled to learn more about her journey.

Theatre Arts continues to evolve on a journey of its own, and we are pleased welcome several new faculty members this fall. Scenic Designer Dan Daly joins us as Assistant Professor and his expertise in site-specific and immersive work is a novel addition to our program. Designer, artist, and Technical Director Joel Sherry also joins the department, bringing ample experience in production within education. Other familiar faculty members have taken on full-time positions, and we couldn’t be happier for our students to work and learn with the new team.

What remains the same is the Department of Theatre Arts’ commitment. We strive to offer our entire community an array of stunning performances as diverse and engaging as our students themselves, honoring an equally broad span of perspectives and life experiences. 

Equally consistent is our gratitude. Without your support the unique experience that is theatre would not be made possible. To learn more about our program and make a gift please visit: https://www.newpaltz.edu/fpa/theatre/friends/.

Please join us! The 2024-25 season features dramatic, comedic, and musical performances, both classic and contemporary, all staged with our unique craft. I look forward to seeing you at the theatre.

Patricia A. Fitzpatrick
Associate Professor and Interim Chair

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