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Support the Department of Music

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Your contribution applies directly to the opportunities we provide our students. Your support facilitates:

  • Programmatic support for classical performance, jazz performance, recording and electronic music and music therapy
  • Guest artist performances and lectures
  • Composer residencies and commissioning of new contemporary work
  • Educational outreach
  • Online video series, and live streaming concerts
  • Music-making at New Paltz, a community hub for the Hudson Valley

Join us and become a Friend of Music

Select your level of support & benefits below. Or, if you would like to discuss creative ways that you can sustain the future of Music—such as a larger gift of cash, gifts in kind (such as donated instruments and equipment), or a multi-year pledge—please contact a member of our Development team

We look forward to expanding our thank-you benefits to include discounts for tickets and subscriptions to performances, as well as invitations to house concerts and dinners with artists and students when we can once again perform and gather in person.


$5,000: Educator
$1,000: Conductor
$500: Music Therapist
$250: Recording Artist
$100: Improviser
$50: Composer
$25: Performer

$5,000: Educator

  • Supports the commissioning of a new American contemporary work for world premiere at the Davenport Residency for New American Music.
  • Supports special guest artists for concert series
  • Patrons will receive (a) special recognition at the Davenport Residency for New American Music. (b) Recognition on our website and all printed programs. (c) $5,000 ​is tax deductible with the benefits above.

$1,000: Conductor

  • A gift at this level will support fees for special guest artists to perform and give masterclasses in our concert series.
  • Supports guest artists to perform in the Davenport Residency for New American Music.
  • Patrons will receive (a) special recognition at designated livestream performances. (b)  Recognition on website and all printed programs. (e) tax-deductible donation of $1,000

$500: Music Therapist

  • Supports fees for special guest artists in concert series.
  • Patrons will receive (a) Special recognition on website and all printed programs for event that is sponsored. (e) $500 ​is tax deductible with the benefits above

$250 Recording Artist

  • Support fees for guest artists in our concert series and performing ensembles.
  • Supports student educational outreach activities. 
  • Supports online video series.
  • Patrons will receive  (a) Recognition on website and all printed programs. (b) $250 ​is tax deductible with the benefits above

$100 Improviser

  • Support fees for guest artists in our concert series and performing ensembles.
  • Supports student educational outreach activities. 
  • Supports online video series.
  • Patrons will receive (a) Recognition on website and all printed programs. (b) $100 ​is tax deductible with the benefits above

$50 Composer

  • Support fees for guest artists in our concert series and performing ensembles.
  • Supports student educational outreach activities. 
  • Supports online video series.
  • Patrons will receive (a) Recognition on website and all printed programs (b) $50 ​is tax deductible with the benefits above

$25 Performer

  • Support fees for guest artists in our concert series and performing ensembles.
  • Supports student educational outreach activities. 
  • Supports online video series.
  • Patrons will receive  (a) Recognition on website and all printed programs (c) $25 is tax deductible with the benefits above


Need help?

Contact us for more information or to help us better direct your gift:

SUNY New Paltz Foundation, Inc.
1 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561-2443

Phone: (845) 257-3239
Toll-Free: 1-877-HAWK-001
Email: NPFund@newpaltz.edu


A copy of the SUNY New Paltz Foundation’s latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, by contacting the SUNY New Paltz Foundation at 1 Hawk Dr, New Paltz, NY 12561 or from the New York State Attorney General's Charities Bureau, Attn: FOIL Officer, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271.

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