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Practice Rooms

Practice Room Protocols and Scheduling

Practice rooms are small shared spaces that during the pandemic present challenging conditions for the health and safety of our community. For this reason, and also because practicing is important for Music students, we have developed the following protocols for using the Music practice rooms.

Please notify Josh Stark at starkj@newpaltz.edu with any questions or concerns related to protocols, scheduling, equipment usage, or supplies of disinfecting wipes or hand sanitizer in practice rooms.

Practice Room Protocols

  • Students may only use the practice rooms during scheduled time slots.
  • Only one person is allowed in a practice room at a time with no exceptions.
  • Please switch door sign to "OCCUPIED" when you enter the practice room.
  • Masks should be worn unless they impede your ability to practice.
  • Wipe down all surfaces you touch before beginning and again after finishing practice. This includes piano keyboards, door knobs, chairs, stands, etc.
  • Fans must be on and (where possible) windows open. Please do not turn fans off.
  • Please leave promptly at the end of your time slot.
  • Please close the practice room door and switch sign to "VACANT" when finished.

Scheduling Practice Rooms

Practice rooms may be used 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday through Saturday, and at no other time.

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