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About: Undergraduate

Bachelor of FIne Arts in Metal

The metal program is directed by Professor Myra Mimlitsch-Gray and includes Michael Gayk and Lynn Batchelder as prominent faculty.

The rigorous curriculum explores the technical, aesthetic, and conceptual aspects of contemporary jewelry and metalsmithing. Coursework is supplemented by field trips and participation in professional conferences. Given the college's proximity to major cultural centers, students benefit from frequent visits to museums and expositions. Metal sustains a comprehensive visiting artist schedule. Recent participants include:


Lisa Walker

Peter Bauhuis

Melanie Bilenker

Lola Brooks

Simon Cottrell

Gabriel Craig

Iris Eichenberg

Lisa Gralnick

Barbara Seidenath

Tracy Steepy

Andrea Wagner

Helen Britton


In addition, we often invite prominent writers, critics, and curators to campus to speak and critique student work, including:


Glenn Adamson

Damian Skinner

Ken Ames

Mary Douglas

John Stuart Gordon

Dave Hickey

Sienna Patti

David Levi Strauss

Ken Trapp


Metal students are actively involved in the Student Art Alliance, which supports visiting artists, travel to conferences, and other creative projects, creating greater opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange.

The BFA metal undergraduate curriculum offers students the opportunity to work in a state-of-the-art facility with faculty that are actively engaged artists who exhibit and lecture internationally. BFAs also benefit from being part of a program with one of the largest and highly regarded graduate Metal programs in the nation.



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