Letterpress Basics
Monday, April 2, 2018
10a - 12 p.m.
Old Library 103D
This workshop will serve as an introduction to terminology, tools and techniques essential to letterpress printing. Participants will set type, lock up the form and print on Challenge Proof press.
Workshop leader: Dimitry Tetin, Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, SUNY New Paltz

Animated GIFs with Historical Images
Monday, April 2, 2017
12:30 pm. - 2:30 pm.
Old Library 103B
Love gifs? This workshop offers an introduction to creating animated gifs from historical images in open access digital archives. Some experience with Photoshop and Mac computers is helpful, but not required.
Workshop Leader: Amy Papaelias, Associate Professor of Graphic Design, SUNY New Paltz.

Same Data, Different Audience
9:30a - 12:30p
Old Main B125
There is no single right way to visualize a data set: Graphics should be built with their ultimate context in mind. In this hands-on sketching session, participants will experiment with developing multiple solutions to the same visual problem, tailored for different audiences. Data and tools will be provided. (No laptops needed).
Workshop Leader: Jen Christiansen, Senior Graphics Editor, Scientific American

The Elastic Mesh: Digital clay sculpting with ZBRush
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
12:30 - 3:30pm
Digital Fabricalion Lab, Smiley Art Building
Release your designs from the constraints of hard surfaces while exploring the elastic sculpting capacities of polygon geometry. In this workshop, we will experiment with various digital clay sculpting techniques to create a ring.
Workshop Leader: Michael Gayk, Assistant Professor of Metal/Digital Design and Fabrication, SUNY New Paltz

Getting Plugged In to the Local Creative Scene with the Hudson Valley Talentbase
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
11am – 12pm
Hudson Valley Talentbase is a regional online creative community; anyone with a Hudson Valley zip code can create a profile, showcase their work, connect with collaborators, and find their next job. Learn about the local tech and creative scene, and get set up with a profile on the Hudson Valley’s homegrown digital creative community.
Workshop Leader: Jordan Koschei is the Lead Product Designer at Agrilyst and the founder of HVTalentbase.
Creative Navigations Workshop
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
1 - 3pm
Old Library 103A Seminar Room
The methods we use in our creative process is through a familiar framework of thinking. We create this way because it is safe and can guarantee satisfactory results, but this approach could be limiting ourselves from exploring and discovering new ideas.
Creative Navigations wants to promote creative adaptability and idea exploration. This workshop’s main goal is to challenge your creative process through new and unusual approaches. Through a series of various exercises, this workshop will encourage an exploration of individual creative pathways. Each experience is meant to test your discomfort with the unfamiliar and challenge the ways in which you access your own creativity.
This is a hands-on workshop open to everyone, no technical or software skills required.
Workshop Leader: Jeff Church, BFA Graphic Design '18 at SUNY New Paltz
Wearable Marquees
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
SAB 116
Are you tired of keeping your thoughts confined to /r/me_irl? Have you ever wanted to be able to post status updates to meatspace? Then look no further! In the Wearable Marquees workshop we will build microcontroller powered personal scrolling billboards small enough to be mounted as a ring or a pin. Light up your life with scrolling text that lets all those around you know your true feelings and opinions by learning to solder and code!
Workshop Leader: Aaron Nelson, Director of the MakerBot Innovation Center, Co-Director of the Digital Design and Fabrication Program, and Assistant Professor of Art

Soundscapes: Tactile sound interfaces with Makey Makey
Thursday, April 5, 2018
OLB 103A + Seminar Room
Hands-on, intro-level workshop! Create and control a sound interface using a Makey Makey. Bring home your creation and a Makey Makey!
Workshop Leader: Anne Galperin, Associate Professor of Graphic Design, SUNY New Paltz

Digital Design Workflow
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Digital Fabrication Lab, SAB
In this workshop, Vivian Beer will show her digital design workflow, emphasizing form and layout for manufacturing furniture and sculptural objects. No prior experience necessary.
Workshop Leader: Vivian Beer is a furniture designer/maker based in New England, where her studio, Vivian Beer Studio Works, is celebrating its tenth year.

Visualize Your Favorite Book from Project Gutenburg
Friday, April 6, 2018
Time + Location: TBA
In this workshop, we're downloading your favorite classic books from Project Gutenberg, analyzing them, and visualizing them. These visualizations can be exported into Adobe Illustrator for further styling or turned into interactive projects. We'll be using the Tidyverse framework in R, an open-source coding environment. The workshop leader believes the Tidyverse is the easiest way to learn R, and the scripts will be pre-written for you to modify for future use. Our example texts will be the works of William Shakespeare.
Workshop Leader: Joshua Korenblat, Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, SUNY New Paltz