Academic Program Planning

New Program Proposal Process

Getting Started

Talk to Your Academic Dean

All new academic program proposals must have the support and input of the Academic Dean(s).  Your very first step in starting a new program is to visit with your Academic Dean.

Schedule a Meeting with APLI

Once you have the support of your Academic Dean, your next step is to contact Academic Planning & Learning Innovation (APLI).  If your proposal is Graduate-level, you may start by contacting Vika Shock at or Shala Mills at   If your proposal is Undergraduate-level, you may start by contacting Val McAllister at or Shala Mills at

EMSI Report and Cabinet Briefing Document

APLI will explain the program proposal process to you and help you complete an EMSI Report Request.  EMSI is a SUNY vendor used to gather information about competitor programs and labor market demand.  APLI will submit your EMSI Report Request to SUNY on your behalf.  Once you have received the EMSI report, APLI will help you identify salient information from that report and then help you prepare a Pre-proposal Approval Document.  (See Sample Pre-proposal Approval Document).  APLI will submit the Pre-proposal Approval Document to the Provost and the Provost will determine whether it is ready to go to Cabinet for consideration.

Important Links

Program Proposal Paperwork

Once you have cabinet support for the program idea, then you can begin work on the program proposal.  APLI will assist you in developing the proposal and navigating the  approval processes.  Follow the guidance for either Graduate or Undergraduate Program Proposals as appropriate.  Either way, the phases include:


Internal Review Phase


Program Launch