Academic Program Planning

Deactivating or Discontinuing a Program


Deactivation:  A campus decides not to admit any new students to a program but wishes to maintain the program’s registration.  This may be done to reassess the need for the program or restructure the program or allow currently enrolled students to graduate.  This action is internal to SUNY and limited in duration to no more than three years, by which time the program must be reactivated or discontinued.   

Discontinuance:  A campus decides to stop offering a program and awarding a credential for its completion.  After SUNY’s review and approval, the program is removed from the State Education Department’s Inventory of Registered Programs after all continuing students have completed it. 

Schedule a Meeting with APLI 

Your first step in deactivating or discontinuing a program  is to schedule a meeting with Academic Planning & Learning Innovation (APLI). Book a  GR Curriculum Meeting with Vika Shock and Shala Mills or if your program is Undergraduate-level, contact Val McAllister at or Shala Mills at 


APLI will assist you in developing the Deactivation/Discontinuance and navigating the internal approval process.   


Deactivation and/or Discontinuance Proposal